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Prolonged Exposure (PE)

therapeutic APPROACH

Overcoming the fear that holds you back.

What is Prolonged Exposure?

Grounded in the principle that avoidance of trauma-related stimuli maintains and exacerbates post-traumatic stress, PE involves gradual, controlled exposure to these stimuli to reduce their emotional charge.

By confronting these fears and processing the trauma, individuals can experience significant reductions in symptoms and regain control over their lives.

Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE) is designed to help individuals overcome the effects of trauma by systematically confronting and processing distressing memories and situations. 

How Can Prolonged Exposure Help?

Prolonged Exposure Therapy helps individuals by addressing the avoidance behaviours and distressing memories that are central to post-traumatic stress.

Through structured exposure to trauma-related stimuli, PE facilitates the processing of traumatic experiences, reducing the emotional intensity and frequency of distressing symptoms.

What Conditions Does PE Treat?

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 

PE is highly effective in reducing PTSD symptoms by helping individuals confront and process traumatic memories and related avoidance behaviours.

Acute Stress Disorder 

PE helps individuals with Acute Stress by addressing and processing trauma-related symptoms early, preventing the development of chronic PTSD.

3. In Vivo Exposure

What Should I Expect in Session?

PE will introduce you to in vivo exposure, where you gradually confront real-life situations or objects related to your trauma that you have been avoiding. This exposure helps reduce avoidance behaviours and anxiety, promoting a sense of mastery and resilience.

1. Education and Preparation

2. Imaginal Exposure

PE incorporates imaginal exposure, where you revisit and recount traumatic memories in a controlled and safe environment. This process helps you process and reduce the emotional impact of these memories by repeatedly confronting them.

In the initial phase, your therapist will provide information about the nature of trauma and the principles of Prolonged Exposure Therapy. This phase includes preparing you for the exposure process and developing a personalized plan for confronting trauma-related stimuli.

Registered Clinical and Forensic Psychologist

Dr. Fiona Dyshniku,
C. Psych.

Therapists Providing Prolonged Exposure Therapy:

Registered Clinical and Forensic Psychologist

Dr. Fiona Dyshniku, 
C. Psych.

Therapists Providing Prolonged Exposure Therapy:

Share. Understand. Heal.

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